Monday, October 17, 2011

7th UNESCO Youth Forum Day 1

The 7th UNESCO Youth Forum sparked off with the entire first day, dedicated to providing a fundamental introduction and training of the dedicates on social issues, conflict resolution techniques and introductions of many social initiatives, so to provide better context into the various issues which we will be discussed and debated in the days to come.


We started off with having an introduction by Irina Bokova, Director-general of the UNESCO and Forest Whitaker, a famous actor, to provide an introduction into what are some of the objectives of UNESCO.

Some of the major points I picked up includes, the importance of:
1. Transforming thoughts into actions
2. Building peace through community building
3. Putting education into practise
4. Connect and incubate intentions

It was also highlighted that we define our purpose clearly, and to define our purpose of the UNESCO Youth Forum together.

Conflict Resolution Workshop

1. Forest Whitaker, actor
2. Aldul
3. Rajshree Patel

Some misconceptions about peace were shared by Aldul (I do sincerely apologise for misspelling of any names), that due to the lack of resources, we often end up thinking that peace is impractical, cannot be controlled nor achieved and are all reliant on external factors of influence.

However, “Peace” is really a choice. It is about the choice to build “relationships” which begins with yourself.

Rajshree took over by emphasizing that we can build relationships by building linkages. This is done by caring enough to listen, feel and understand one another.
Peace is not just about reduction of Ultra Vires. It is also about equality and harmony.

Forest came back again to give a great summary; that it is the illusion of separateness that keep us from coming together to build peace. And if separateness is removed, it is impossible to harm one another.

There were a lot more sharing and exercises from the different speakers, but one of the most interesting exercise; was the speakers facilitation of words which describes conflicts, and then words to describe peace, so to communicate the emotions and picture of what conflict/peace looks like.

The conclusive lessons are the 4 factors in resolving inter-group conflicts:
1. Be impeccable with your word (Words creates reality)
2. Don’s take anything personally
3. Don’t make assumptions
4. Always do your best!

Social Media Communication

Pros: More reliability, community inputs rather than institutional inputs
Cons: Skewed stories presented only by people which you are connected to

Various functions, potentials and dangers of social medias were discussed, but I will only share the key pointers of interest.

a. Why Social Media?
Because it gets noticed!  

Whether it influences someone else or leads to a change in a person’s behavior, it is of another story.

b. Issues in Digital Social Media
- Exploitation of children rights in communication collateral
- We should share more facts than just opinions
- Beware of who will be viewing your post, and for what purpose
- Think about broader issues and use them to influence online sentiments

Leadership Training
Not of significance.

IDB Youth Steps to Creating Young Change-makers

IDB creates change by providing youths with connections to entrepreneurship, volunteerism, technology and resources.

These are the 6 step procedure for creating a change agent:
1. Become acquitted with your reality
2. Imagine a better world
3. Find your space to take action
4. Get a group together
5. Establish an action plan and execute it
6. Reflect upon and evaluate the impact (Back to 1)

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